ODI - Open Doors International
ODI stands for Open Doors International
Here you will find, what does ODI stand for in Non-Profit Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Open Doors International? Open Doors International can be abbreviated as ODI What does ODI stand for? ODI stands for Open Doors International. What does Open Doors International mean?Open Doors International is an expansion of ODI
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Alternative definitions of ODI
- One Day International
- Open Datalink Interface
- Open Datalink Interface
- Office of Defects Investigation
- Office of Defects Investigation
- Optimum Daily Intake
- Organizational Dynamics, Inc.
View 60 other definitions of ODI on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- ODA Optimum Design Associates
- OSDL One Stop Doctors Ltd
- ODT Otago Daily Times
- OLFU Our Lady of Fatima University
- OCL Organic Coatings Ltd
- OIL Outlook International Limited
- OMIG Office of Medicaid Inspector General
- OSL Opencast Software Limited
- OHM Our House Media
- OHF Oakville Hospital Foundation
- OPC Observer Publishing Company
- OC The Onyx Collection
- OSM On Spot Marketing
- OBS Oulu Business School
- ORCS Old Republic Credit Services
- OSI Oncology Services International
- OCA Open College of the Arts
- OPS Ozark Public Schools
- OA The Oxford Academy
- OSC Open Source Community